
Graph RAG User Manual

In this example, we will show how to use the Graph RAG framework in DB-GPT. Using a graph database to implement RAG can, to some extent, alleviate the uncertainty and interpretability issues brought about by vector database retrieval.

You can refer to the python example file DB-GPT/examples/rag/graph_rag_example.py in the source code. This example demonstrates how to load knowledge from a document and store it in a graph store. Subsequently, it recalls knowledge relevant to your question by searching for triplets in the graph store.

Install Dependencies

First, you need to install the dbgpt library.

pip install "dbgpt[rag]>=0.5.6"

Prepare Graph Database

To store the knowledge in graph, we need an graph database, TuGraph is the first graph database supported by DB-GPT.

Visit github repository of TuGraph to view Quick Start document, follow the instructions to pull the TuGraph database docker image (latest / version >= 4.3.0) and launch it.

docker pull tugraph/tugraph-runtime-centos7:latest
docker run -it -d -p 7001:7001 -p 7070:7070 -p 7687:7687 -p 8000:8000 -p 8888:8888 -p 8889:8889 -p 9090:9090 \
-v /root/tugraph/data:/var/lib/lgraph/data -v /root/tugraph/log:/var/log/lgraph_log \
--name tugraph_demo tugraph/tugraph-runtime-centos7:latest /bin/bash
docker exec -d tugraph_demo bash /setup.sh

The default port for the bolt protocol is 7687, and DB-GPT accesses TuGraph through this port via neo4j python client.

pip install "neo4j>=5.20.0"

Prepare LLM

To build a Graph RAG program, we need a LLM, here are some of the LLMs that DB-GPT supports:

First, you should install the openai library.

pip install openai

Then set your API key in the environment OPENAI_API_KEY.

from dbgpt.model.proxy import OpenAILLMClient

llm_client = OpenAILLMClient()

TuGraph Configuration

Set variables below in .env file, let DB-GPT know how to connect to TuGraph.


Load into Knowledge Graph

When using a graph database as the underlying knowledge storage platform, it is necessary to build a knowledge graph to facilitate the archiving and retrieval of documents. DB-GPT leverages the capabilities of large language models to implement an integrated knowledge graph, while still maintaining the flexibility to freely connect to other knowledge graph systems and graph database systems.

To maintain compatibility with existing conventional RAG frameworks, we continue to access the knowledge graph through the VectorStoreConnector interface. Simply set the vector_store_type to KnowledgeGraph to enable this connection.

from dbgpt.model.proxy.llms.chatgpt import OpenAILLMClient
from dbgpt.storage.knowledge_graph.knowledge_graph import (

def _create_kg_connector():
"""Create knowledge graph connector."""
return BuiltinKnowledgeGraph(

Retrieve from Knowledge Graph

Then you can retrieve the knowledge from the knowledge graph, which is the same with vector store.

import os

from dbgpt.configs.model_config import ROOT_PATH
from dbgpt.rag import ChunkParameters
from dbgpt.rag.assembler import EmbeddingAssembler
from dbgpt.rag.knowledge import KnowledgeFactory

async def main():
file_path = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH, "examples/test_files/tranformers_story.md")
knowledge = KnowledgeFactory.from_file_path(file_path)
graph_store = _create_kg_connector()
chunk_parameters = ChunkParameters(chunk_strategy="CHUNK_BY_SIZE")
# get embedding assembler
assembler = EmbeddingAssembler.load_from_knowledge(
# get embeddings retriever
retriever = assembler.as_retriever(3)
chunks = await retriever.aretrieve_with_scores(
"What actions has Megatron taken?",
print(f"embedding rag example results:{chunks}")

Chat Knowledge via GraphRAG

Here we demonstrate how to achieve chat knowledge through Graph RAG on web page.

First, create a knowledge base using the Knowledge Graph type. Upload the knowledge documents and wait for the slicing to complete.

Then, view the knowledge graph data.

The graph data may look like this.

Start chat to knowledge based on Graph RAG.