Planning Introduction
When faced with a complex task, humans tend to deconstruct it into simpler subtasks and solve them individually. The planning module aims to empower the agents with such human capability, which is expected to make the agent behave more reasonably, powerfully, and reliably.
In previous sections Agents Planning, we have seen the
agent, and how it can be used to analyze the database with auto-planning.
Planning With AWEL
Here we will introduce how to use the planning module in DB-GPT with WrappedAWELLayoutManager
will run the agents in a sequence, and the agents can be added to the manager by hire
Here is an example of how to use the WrappedAWELLayoutManager
import asyncio
import os
from dbgpt.agent import (
from dbgpt.agent.expand.resources.search_tool import baidu_search
from dbgpt.agent.expand.summary_assistant_agent import SummaryAssistantAgent
from dbgpt.agent.expand.tool_assistant_agent import ToolAssistantAgent
from dbgpt.agent.resource import ToolPack
from dbgpt.model.proxy import OpenAILLMClient
async def main():
llm_client = OpenAILLMClient(
context: AgentContext = AgentContext(
conv_id="test123", language="en", temperature=0.5, max_new_tokens=2048
agent_memory = AgentMemory()
user_proxy = await UserProxyAgent().bind(agent_memory).bind(context).build()
tools = ToolPack([baidu_search])
tool_engineer = (
await ToolAssistantAgent()
summarizer = (
await SummaryAssistantAgent()
manager = (
await WrappedAWELLayoutManager()
manager.hire([tool_engineer, summarizer])
await user_proxy.initiate_chat(
message="Query the weather in Beijing",
if __name__ == "__main__":
Run the above code, and you will see the agents running in sequence. And the output will be like this:
AWELBaseManager (to LuBan)-[]:
"Query the weather in Beijing"
un_stream ai response: {
"thought": "To find the current weather in Beijing, I will use the baidu_search API to search for the latest weather information.",
"tool_name": "baidu_search",
"args": {
"query": "current weather in Beijing",
"num_results": 8
LuBan (to Aristotle)-[gpt-4o]:
"{\n \"thought\": \"To find the current weather in Beijing, I will use the baidu_search API to search for the latest weather information.\",\n \"tool_name\": \"baidu_search\",\n \"args\": {\n \"query\": \"current weather in Beijing\",\n \"num_results\": 8\n }\n}"
>>>>>>>>LuBan Review info:
>>>>>>>>LuBan Action report:
execution succeeded,
### [Weather for Beijing, Beijing Municipality, China](
Location:Beijing Airport Current Time:25 Jun 2024, 16:31:38 Latest Report:25 Jun 2024, 08:30 Visibility:N/A Pressure:1009 mbar Humidity:32% Dew Point:10 °C Upcom...
### [Beijing, 11 10 天天气预报 - The Weather Channel | Weat...](
准备好获悉最精确的Beijing, 11 10 天预报,包括最高温度、最低温度和降水几率 - 尽在 The Weather Channel 和
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查看城市旅游详情 22°C21℃/34℃ 晴东北风 微风 风向情况:东北风 风力等级:微风 总降水量:0.0mm 相对湿度:98% 日出时间:4:46 日落时间:19:4736小时天气预报07:03发布 今天夜间21℃多云西...
### [【北京天气预报15 天_北京天气预报15天查询】-中国天气网](
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### [【北京天气预报15天_北京天气预报15天查询】-中国天气网](
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### [【北京天气预报15天_北京天气预报15天查询】-中国天气网](
6月底前长江中下游及广西贵州等地将有强降雨天气2024-06-27 16:40 安徽今夜到后天强降雨连连 雨带明日北抬后天再度南落2024-06-27 16:20 风雨将至 北京天空出现大片乳状云 20...
### [【北京天气预报15天_北京天气预报15天查询】-中国天气网](
6月底前长江中下游及广西贵州等地将有强降雨天气2024-06-27 16:40 安徽今夜到后天强降雨连连 雨带明日北抬后天再度南落2024-06-27 16:20 风雨将至 北京天空出现大片乳状云 20...
un_stream ai response: Beijing weather summary:
- Current temperature: 22°C
- Temperature range: 21°C to 34°C
- Conditions: Clear
- Wind: Northeast wind, light breeze
- Humidity: 98%
- No precipitation
- Sunrise: 4:46 AM
- Sunset: 7:47 PM
AWELBaseManager (to User)-[]:
"Query the weather in Beijing"
>>>>>>>>AWELBaseManager Review info:
>>>>>>>>AWELBaseManager Action report:
execution succeeded,
Beijing weather summary:
- Current temperature: 22°C
- Temperature range: 21°C to 34°C
- Conditions: Clear
- Wind: Northeast wind, light breeze
- Humidity: 98%
- No precipitation
- Sunrise: 4:46 AM
- Sunset: 7:47 PM