ServiceWebParameters Configuration
ServiceWebParameters(host: str = '', port: int = 5670, light: Optional[bool] = False, controller_addr: Optional[str] = None, database: dbgpt.datasource.parameter.BaseDatasourceParameters = <factory>, model_storage: Optional[str] = None, trace: Optional[dbgpt.util.tracer.tracer_impl.TracerParameters] = None, log: Optional[dbgpt.util.utils.LoggingParameters] = None, disable_alembic_upgrade: Optional[bool] = False, db_ssl_verify: Optional[bool] = False, default_thread_pool_size: Optional[int] = None, remote_embedding: Optional[bool] = False, remote_rerank: Optional[bool] = False, awel_dirs: Optional[str] = None, new_web_ui: bool = True, model_cache: = <factory>, embedding_model_max_seq_len: Optional[int] = 512)
Name | Type | Required | Description |
port | integer | ❌ | Webserver deploy port, default is 5670 Defaults: 5670 |
light | boolean | ❌ | Run Webserver in light mode Defaults: False |
controller_addr | string | ❌ | The Model controller address to connect. If None, read model controller address from environment key `MODEL_SERVER`. |
database | BaseDatasourceParameters (rdbmsdatasourceparameters configuration, sqlite configuration, tugraph configuration, spark configuration, clickhouse configuration, doris configuration, duckdb configuration, hive configuration, mssql configuration, mysql configuration, oceanbase configuration, postgresql configuration, starrocks configuration, vertica configuration) | ❌ | Database connection config, now support SQLite, OceanBase and MySQL Defaults: SQLiteConnectorParameters |
model_storage | string | ❌ | The storage type of model configures, if None, use the default storage(current database). When you run in light mode, it will not use any storage. Valid values: database , memory |
trace | TracerParameters (tracerparameters configuration) | ❌ | Tracer config for web server, if None, use global tracer config |
log | LoggingParameters (loggingparameters configuration) | ❌ | Logging configuration for web server, if None, use global config |
disable_alembic_upgrade | boolean | ❌ | Whether to disable alembic to initialize and upgrade database metadata Defaults: False |
db_ssl_verify | boolean | ❌ | Whether to verify the SSL certificate of the database Defaults: False |
default_thread_pool_size | integer | ❌ | The default thread pool size, If None, use default config of python thread pool |
remote_embedding | boolean | ❌ | Whether to enable remote embedding models. If it is True, you need to start a embedding model through `dbgpt start worker --worker_type text2vec --model_name xxx --model_path xxx` Defaults: False |
remote_rerank | boolean | ❌ | Whether to enable remote rerank models. If it is True, you need to start a rerank model through `dbgpt start worker --worker_type text2vec --rerank --model_name xxx --model_path xxx` Defaults: False |
awel_dirs | string | ❌ | The directories to search awel files, split by `,` |
new_web_ui | boolean | ❌ | Whether to use the new web UI, default is True Defaults: True |
model_cache | ModelCacheParameters (modelcacheparameters configuration) | ❌ | Model cache configuration Defaults: ModelCacheParameters |
embedding_model_max_seq_len | integer | ❌ | The max sequence length of the embedding model, default is 512 Defaults: 512 |
host | string | ❌ | Webserver deploy host Defaults: |